On this day...

October 16th

On this day in 1937, William Edmond Bowman, born October 24, 1916, married Catherine Ann Archingstall, born April 13, 1917. They were known as Bill and Kate Bowman, but I called them Grandpa and Grandma.

They met and married in Covington, KY where Grandpa was an appliance repair man, who also served in the Navy during World War II, and Grandma worked as a secretary where she utilized her skill in shorthand. I watched her take notes one time and wondered what all the symbols and swirls stood for. By the time the war was over, they had three children, my mother, Judy, being the third one. Grandpa was away at war when she was born and held her for the first time when she was nine months old.

In the 1950s, they moved to Florence, KY, where they grew their family to seven children. They were both committed Christians and devout Catholics, attending Mass every Sunday and raising their children in the Catholic faith. My mother also raised me in the Catholic faith and Grandpa and Grandma were both present when I had my First Communion.

They spent their twilight years in a lake house in Walton, KY. They were married for 47 years when Grandma passed away in 1984. Grandpa lived another ten years and passed away in 1994 on a cold February day. They left behind seven children, 24 grandchildren, and their offspring continues to grow.

This is how I remember Grandpa and Grandma. During their senior years, they spent a lot of time in Florida, where my uncle lived.

I have fond memories of Grandpa and Grandma Bowman. I remember going ice skating on the lake behind their house and watching Grandpa fish on his dock. Grandma always remembered our birthdays and mailed us a card every year with two dollars inside. She made the best potato rolls, and I still have the pink yarn octopus she made me one year for Christmas.

What memories do you have of your grandparents?

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